School of Public Health
August 5, 2008
Environmental Protection Agency
August 6, 2008
Janet setting up for the presentation at UNC.
The building at UNC we presented in.
The bell tower on the UNC campus.
Dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.
The library at the EPA.
Behind the EPA main building.
Undergraduate Research Conference
April 9, 2008
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Rolla, MO
From left to right: Dr. Tauritz, Amber Loftis, Janet Guntly, and Ekaterina Holdener in front of our poster at the Undergraduate Research Conference
Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol
April 30, 2008
Missouri State Capitol
Jefferson City, MO
Missouri Science and Technology undergraduate research students with the UM System President at the Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol.